I guess you could call it an open relationship, the kind of friendship with mutual interest but no possibility of blossoming into anything more. But as November turned into December and January, and as Boston started to get cold, gloomy and snowy, our relationship deepened with every hour that we spent typing back and forth.
In January, my friend and I made a trip to visit UPenn. Ironically, her 2 guy friends there were both from *Atlanta*. Sadly, the same night that we arrived at UPenn, kyzen8 happened to email me a picture of the girl he had been crushing on for the past 3 years. A really hot girl. I was devastated. Feeling so stupid for falling for someone ONLINE who had this really cute girl on his hands, I set out to party with my friend. That night, I met 5 people all from Atlanta. Seriously. This middle-of-nowhere city that I previously didn't know existed, now all of a sudden they all come out of the bushes.
Atlanta: Coca Cola and CNN headquarters

One of the guys looked a little bit like kyzen8. A bit buzzed and depressed, I chatted with him at the club, led myself to believe I was interested, and even invited him to NYC the following weekend.
Atlanta: Coca Cola and CNN headquarters

One of the guys looked a little bit like kyzen8. A bit buzzed and depressed, I chatted with him at the club, led myself to believe I was interested, and even invited him to NYC the following weekend.
The weekend in NYC was a disaster. In my sober state, I was not even an inkling interested. I pulled the immature ignore trick all over again, except this time was 10-fold worse because he was staying with us and had to tag along everywhere. I was a horrible host, but forgive me because I was also heartbroken.
I of course told kyzen8 about the guy from day 1 to day 10. Maybe my secret motivation was to get back at kyzen8 for breaking my heart. Since I thought I was interested in mr. upenn on days 1-7, I'm pretty sure I made kyzen8 a teensy weensy bit jealous even if he won't admit it. Days 8-10, I think kyzen8 was relieved at my non-interest but felt sorry for me. I like to think mr. upenn acted as a catalyst for our relationship. I remember on the last night in NYC, as I was complaining to kyzen8 about how mr. upenn had placed his hands on my shoulders (ick), kyzen8 asked me:
"Does your mom know about me?"
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